
Compact Chiller

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Li-chiller tsa liindasteri tse kopaneng li etselitsoe ho fana ka pholiso e sebetsang ho mechini e meholo le lisebelisoa ha li ntse li boloka mocheso o tsitsitseng tsamaisong eohle. O mong oa melemo ea bohlokoahali ea compact industrial chiller ke bokhoni ba eona ba ho boloka matla ka ho sebelisa mahlale a tsoetseng pele joalo ka li-controller le li-compressor tse bohlale. Li-chiller li ka matha ka meroalo e fapaneng ea ho pholisa, e leng ho etsang hore li boloke matla le ho boloka chelete e ngata ha nako e ntse e ea. Ho feta moo, li hahiloe ho mamella meroalo e boima le maemo a thata, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e tšoarellang le e tšepahalang bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea indasteri. Moralo o kopaneng oa li-chiller tsa mofuta oa lebokose o etsa hore ho be bonolo ho li kenya le ho li boloka, e leng se etsang hore e be khetho e tsebahalang bakeng sa lits'ebeletso tsa indasteri.




1. Li-tubing tsa koporo tsa coil li hlophisitsoe ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng ho ntlafatsa moralo oa ho fetisa mocheso. Mechini e atolositsoeng e sebelisoa ho etsa bonnete ba hore tšupu ea koporo le mapheoana li kopantsoe hantle bakeng sa phello e ntle ea ho fetisa mocheso. Sistimi ena e entsoe tlhahlobo ea 28MPa ea ho thibela moea 'me e kentsoe lits'ebetsong tsa maemo a holimo bakeng sa ho ntša metsi le ho omisa kalafo. E ka sebelisoa ho lihatsetsi tse kenyelletsang R22, R134a, R404A, R407C le tse ling.

2. Sebelisa feela li-compressor tsa boleng bo holimo tse kang Bitzer, Hanbell, Fusheng, RefComp le Frascold. Karolo ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ea tsamaiso ea sehatsetsing ke compressor, e ikarabellang bakeng sa ho hatella sehatsetsi le ho phahamisa mocheso oa eona ho tsamaisa mocheso ho tloha sebakeng se seng ho ea ho se seng.


3. E khethehileng ka moralo oa litsamaiso tsa sehatsetsing le taolo ea mananeo a ikemetseng ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e phahameng le ts'ebetso e tsitsitseng ea yuniti. Re etsa tlhahlobo e felletseng mabapi le moralo, ts'ebetso, ts'ebetso ea sistimi ea lihatsetsi ho batla matla a phahameng a matla, tšusumetso e tlase ea tikoloho le polokeho e tšepahalang.


Lintho Compact chiller
Khoutu ea serial FD
Bokhoni ba ho pholisa 5 ~ 250 kW
Compressor brand Bitzer, Hanbell, Fusheng, RefComp le Frascold
Evaporating Temp. mefuta-futa H Holimo(+15℃~0℃), M Hare (-5℃~-30℃),

L Tlase(-25~-40℃), D Ultra Tlase(<-50℃).

Libaka tsa kopo Ho sebetsana le lijo, indasteri ea polasetiki, indasteri ea lik'hemik'hale, laboratori



Ho hlatsoa litholoana


Pholiso ea indasteri


Lik'hemik'hale tsa Meriana

Ts'ebeletso ea rona ea Key Key


1. Moralo oa morero


2. Tlhahiso


4. Tlhokomelo


3. Ho kenya


1. Moralo oa morero


2. Tlhahiso


3. Ho kenya


4. Tlhokomelo



  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa wa hao mona mme o re romele wona